Monday, March 31, 2008

Emotional Tornadoes

They start innocent enough. A little stress here. A minor annoyance there.

Then, suddenly they're off.

Emotional tornadoes.

Before you know it, they're raging. Their "take no prisoners" force sucks in everything and everyone in their path. One minute it's a calm and clear day. The next, your house is spinning and the cows are flying.

I'm trying to make a concerted effort to detach, detach, detach.


©km said...

These past few weeks have been emotional roller coasters for a lot of people I know. Strange how things coincide, like that.

Joe said...

Yep. Agree with /<.

Agree with your detach, detach, detach. Sorta the "Awooga, awooga." sound from an old movie about submarines I remember watching as a kid. It went just like this sounds ;-)
"Awoooga. Awoooga. Dive! Dive! Dive!"
However the above might all be in caps as I cannot find reference to it anywhere on the worldwideweb.

And in your case (and mine) it is "AWOOOGA,AWOOOGA. DETACH! DETACH!


Anonymous said...

I had one of those today. Maybe it being Monday contributed. Monday and cold and rainy with a barometric-pressure-change headache.

One good thing is tomorrow has got to be better.