Thursday, March 13, 2008

Losing it

I'm having a few friends over tomorrow night -- my ex-agency surrogate family -- so I did a little trip to Costco for some supplies. Of course, I left with yoga pants and Valerie Bertinelli's new book.

It's the nature of the big box experience.

Sorry to say I couldn't put the book down. Valerie is from my Tiger Beat generation.

I came of age with Leif Garrett, Kristy McNichol and the Hardy Boys. I can still sing every word of the One Day at a Time theme song. I had to force myself to close the book and come to work this morning. I just got to the part where she meets Eddie Van Halen.

God. Sometimes I'm so shallow.

1 comment:

Hez said...

That's not shallow! Everyone needs their guilty pleasures now and again. Mine is "The Pussycat Dolls present: Girlicious". I'm so ashamed.