Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The hardest working writer in Christendom

I have a tendency to exaggerate my pain (see above) but I can assure you that I have little time for frivolities today.

Let my list of things to be grateful for speak for itself.

1) Windows that open. My last two places had windows that stayed firmly shut. This morning it was mild enough to open my windows for the first time. I even heard the bird's chirping. Spring is nature's way of saying "you made it".

2) Perfectly ripe bananas. There's no middle ground with bananas. They go from too green to banana bread fodder seemingly over night. I'm looking at America's Next Top Banana model right now. Morning snack, here I come.

3) Fewer work meetings. Yesterday was back-to-back all day. We meet about the work we need to do and can't do it because we're in a meeting. Today I can sit at my desk and power through. On my favourite CTC job, I just finished Halifax. It's a great place. You should go.

4) Cashew Nut Balls. I discovered these at the health food store on the way to my meeting last night. I'm convinced there's a factory full of angels on an ashram baking them. 150 calories and 5 grams of fibre

5) Meditation. I get up obscenely early every morning to put the "me" in meditation. It's my favourite part of the day. It helps centre me.

That's it. Wishing everyone a superlative day.

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