Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Date squares

There. I've done it.

I've actually gone and written a profile and posted it on an internet dating site.

Let's see if this is how the universe decides to engage me in finding my soul mate. Or maybe the Universe would prefer that I sit at home most nights watching A Very Brady Christmas. Who knows?

Anyway, I would appreciate it if you sent me some good vibes. I am alternately too immature and too old for this entire exercise.


©km said...

I've always told you that you'd kick ass in the online dating world - because you can write. if you can wade past all the slackers who use "u" and "4" as whole words, I'm sure you'll find someone.
But you'll probably encounter the same hurdle I did - finding someone who can write - as well as hold a conversation in real life.
Some people are just looking for pen pals.

wendywalnut said...

did you know i met my partner through online dating? if not, details are best told through email. :) xow