Saturday, June 28, 2008

Nothing says holiday like....

White powdered mini donuts. Reading the nutritional information on the side of the Hostess donettes package is scarier than any Stephen King novel. You might be surprised to know that a single package contains 40 per cent of your USDA daily fat content. One question is: do I eat them or snort them?

Drinks served in little plastic pineapples. I'm keeping it as a souvenir, and as a stark reminder of my money-managing skills.

Popcorn shrimp. Shrimp, coconut, a deep fryer and a defibrilator. Happy holidays.

A charley horse. It's holiday boot camp. We must have walked a billion miles yesterday. We had to...we had to burn off the mini donuts.

Vacation fights.
Barb and I are making sport of spotting the fighting families. There seems to be something about deviating from your usual work-a-day routine that drives even the closest knit families into cold, clipped sidewalk spats. They need mini donut 911.

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