Managing other little humans is like training kittens. Just when you think everything's under control, one of the kittens is out of the box and unfurling the toilet roll.
One of the junior members of our staff is a supremely talented art director who has some time management challenges.
In short, he never thinks it will take him as long to do something as it actually does.
In addition, he's from the generation that believes menial work is beneath him.
As someone who has proudly held the title of Minnow Girl at Land O'Lakes Lodge in Marten River, Ontario, I find this laughable.
So yesterday, junior AD was scheduled for an internal creative review at 1:30 p.m.
At 1, I see him donning his jacket and heading for the door.
"Where are you going?" says I, "Don't we have an internal at 1:30?"
"Out for lunch," says junior AD, "We're bumping it until tomorrow."
"When's the client presentation?" says I.
"Tomorrow," says he.
Not comfortable with that.
The project he's working on, while not overly large, has inherent complexities. It requires the eyes and attention of a lot of people before the client sees it. He was briefed on it a week ago.
So I push the issue, and schedule an internal for 4:30 yesterday afternoon.
The thing is, I KNOW he won't be ready. He says he will, but I KNOW he won't.
But I also know that part of my job is ensuring that he experience the consequences of his behaviour. His actions have a ripple effect on everyone at the agency.
So the meeting comes around. I've warned the account people that the work is still in progress.
Then I leave the junior AD to do the 'splainin'.
It's a good old-fashioned Salem public shaming. He certainly left the meeting with the knowledge that he's disappointed the account people in his deliverables.
But did he learn anything?
I'm not sure.
To be honest, I think he felt perfectly justified in acting purely out of self interest. I think he was mad at me and mad at the account people for forcing a previous agreement.
So this morning I've come in, and the completed job is in my mailbox.
I definitely plan to follow up with him.
But what to say...