Friday, October 5, 2007

Evening - WTF

So I was all set for a perfect evening.

A glass of Diet A & W Root Beer, a few squares of dark chocolate (it has anti-oxidants, you know, and is therefore good for us), and a happy cat on my lap.

So I fired up the DVD player with "Evening" - a promising chick flick with a stellar cast including Vanessa Redgrave, Natasha Richardson, Glenn Close and Toni Collette. I thought it was a good cry waiting to happen. Meryl Streep was even in it, but I couldn't force myself to make it to her entrance.

It's one of those irritating films where they go backwards and forwards through time every 5 minutes.

We know we've gone backwards because everyone is smoking. People smoked a lot back there in time -- which probably explains why Ann, the main character, is dying in present day. All those cigarettes and highballs back in the fifties can take their toll on a person.

Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I was smoking and drinking, but it was hard to get up with the cat in my lap.

I was decidedly tired from the week, but I had a hard time keeping track of who everyone was. And, once I figured it out, I didn't really care about any of them.

Dull, dull, dull.

Anyway, I turned it off and went to bed, forgetting entirely that The L Word is on Showcase on Thursday nights.


Even at its worst, The L Word is head and shoulders above Evening. Now I wish I could go backwards in time.

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