Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Six years ago this morning...

Okay, I was at my desk at 6:45 this morning (which surely indicates some kind of mental defect) and I thought, as I sometimes do, about the hard-working men and women getting a kick start on their day at the World Trade Centre six years ago this morning.

People, like me, who may have been dreading some meeting or other, were looking forward to the particularly delicious lunch they'd packed for themselves, or thinking they really should find the time to organize their closets because it's getting crazy in there. People on deadlines, experiencing new love, going through nasty divorces, recovering from hangovers. I think about the people who hated their job -- who sat at their desks thinking, "I can't wait until I can get out of this hell hole and become a gardener, baker, dog tamer, executive chef."

All over in a heartbeat.

The number of US military casualties in Iraq surpassed the World Trade Centre dead last year. Two wrongs don't make a right.

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