Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't bug me

I knew I'd reached a new personal low when I considered volunteering with Habitat for Humanity just so I could meet someone who was handy fixing things.

After all the help -- some might even say bullying -- I received when I asked about my kitchen countertops, I thought I'd pose another question to the blogosphere.

It's about my window screens.

I have two window screens that require repair. One has a broken frame and the other has a broken screen.

Now, despite more than ten years of post-secondary education, I don't have the first clue about what to do about this.

The little voice in my head (the one that reads Jane Austin and plays the harpsicord) doesn't want to deal with this at all. I'd really prefer it if someone else figured it out. Someone big and strong.


Is there somewhere where I can go to get someone (Baby Jesus?) to make me a new frame and/or replace my window screen, or do I need to move to another place with perfectly intact window screens?

Really. Help me.


Hez said...

You can definitely take them to a place and have them rescreened. Where? I do not know. I am a wealth of knowledge, no?

Let me check with my number one source for "help me!" stuff (my Dad) and get back to you...

Blodwynn said...

If Tony were there he would do this for you as he just did all our screens.
I know that Ace Hardware here has a 'screen service' so perhaps look into Home Hardware, Home Depot or something like that.

I've also hired 'handy men' from the Services section of my neighbourhood newspaper to do things around my house. People are looking for work, might be helpful to find your own Schneider for other things down the road.

PTR said...

You need to find a recently-retired gentleman who is driving his wife crazy. He will fix your screens for you.

Anonymous said...

This is entirely fixable in a do-it-yerself kind of way. There are screen repair kits that you purchase, and you can either stretch them to the current frame or just use to patch the hole. Easy breezy. Forget retired gentlemen or handymen, you need some women with flannel shirts and power tools.

Blodwynn said...

how about those little butterfly magnets that come in pairs. One butterfly goes on one the inside over the hole and the second magnet on the outside.

You're screens never looked so fancy.

©km said...

Forget the screens - I can't believe Barb used the incorrect "your".

Blodwynn said...

And I used the more difficult 'you're'. Usually the error is made with 'your'.

@km: I'm so proofreading all your posts from now on. ;)

wendywalnut said...

knock knock, here is some help:,ohl-66bd0cc7b20229f6f8b6d9958706b24e_h.jpg