Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An American Prayer

Dear God,

Bless Barack Obama.

He has willingly embraced the toughest job in the world. Right now he's the world's President.

Certainly in my lifetime, there's never been so much goodwill extended to a foreign leader. Help him succeed with the same dignity, humility and message of hopefulness that we've seen throughout his campaign.

Keep him safe, God.

The unspoken threat is always there. We've lost so many other truly great leaders before their time. We don't need another martyr.

It's inevitable that this new president will make some mistakes, maybe piss off some people, and move slower than some people would like. Help us be patient.

And help us realize that our common welfare should come first. Personal progress for the greatest number depends on unity.

And help those of us in countries that border America to demand leaders who are as charismatic and full of grace as Barack Obama.

They're out there. Let us find them, cultivate them, and elect them to office. Public service is a vocation. Let's elect leaders that reinforce this fact.

In closing, God, I just wanted to say "Thank You." Thanks for allowing me to live in such interesting, challenging and inspirational times. I remember being woken up to watch the first moonwalk.

And today,...today, a man with a black, Kenyan father and a white American mother will put his hand on the Bible and swear the oath of office to be the President of the United States of America.



Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the fact that we are still talking about Obama's skin colour means that we have not come as far as we think.

Blodwynn said...


Barack Obama has promised to help lead this country, with the HELP of all the people, and PROGRESS to a better future. He has not said we are there yet. He's said it's going to be a long and difficult journey.

The lack of patience and optimism is clearly going to be one of the biggest road blocks to getting there.

Success and Failure are now choosing their players. You need to be thankful we even get to chose which team to join.

Great job Franny.