Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Freedom from fear

I'm up early this morning because I have that sick, uneasy feeling that comes from believing I'll never have a good idea ever again.

If nothing else, I hope fear is a big calorie burner.

I welcome you to send me your ideas, no matter how big or small. They don't even have to fit the Brief. Anything would look better than a blank page at this stage.


PTR said...

Why not shave off your eyebrows for a fresh new look?

Hez said...

I don't have an idea, but I do have a great headline you can use:
"Here we GROW again!"

Anonymous said...

Another possible and original headline "We are Fresh Obsessed"

(or, today's verification word: "fleyon")

Blodwynn said...

Lend a hand. Save the land.

Brown and olive.



v.w.= mismobo

Ryan McNeil said...

My desk calender which provides daily "Dumb dares for The Office" suggests that for the day you walk sideways to all of your daily appointments.

Make of that what you will.

©km said...

Some of my favourites...

Easy Breezy Beautiful

Heineken refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach.

The antidote for civilization

Put a tiger in your tank

Hand built by robots

Finger lickin' good

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

vw = buffet... hmmmm...

wendywalnut said...

maybe you should get a picture of a really icky guy in some horrible Y-fronts, and present something to the organisers like: "not every brief is appealing."
vw: ditch