Monday, September 29, 2008

Choosing Serenity

As Dr. Phil says, "Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right all the time."

I've become acutely aware of how capable I am of creating more trouble for myself, so I've instituted a simple little procedure that seems to be working for me.

Whenever I'm faced with a choice or difficult situation, small or large, I ask myself, "What decision can I take that will lead to serenity."

It's remarkable how this clears the way.


PTR said...

Good idea!

In a similar vein, my mother taught me that all decisions are made from either love or fear. Before you decide, be conscious of why you are making the choice that you are.

wendywalnut said...

for you, ML:

Joe said...

This too is my question. I just need to remember it!!