Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to my BFF

My BFF turns 43 today. We met the summer he turned 16.

For a long time, you couldn't know one of us without knowing the other. We've lived together in 6 cities, in four countries, and visited innumerable other locations together.

We've had some incredible, side-splittingly happy times together, while at other times our divide has seemed almost irreparable. I'd say we're probably at the healthiest place we've been in a long time.

Some day I'll write our story -- part A Home at the End of the World, part Will & Grace -- but I'll only do it when I can give it the perspective, respect and love it deserves. No Christopher Ciccone for me.

Happy Birthday, Boo. Many happy returns.


Anonymous said...

hmmmm, about that... :) xow

Anonymous said...

Thanks Boo.
You are not only a good writer, but a great friend.
Love you forver.