Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No day like today

Dave Freeman, co-author of the book 100 Things to Do Before You Die, has died.

Learning this fact from my great friend Barb, caused me to quip that I was going to pen the bestseller, 100 Things to Do before you reach the age of 140.

The truth is, you never know when you're going to go.

Freeman was an advertising exec (and god knows we're always looking for meaning in a material world) when he saw something that changed his life. From his apartment in Manhattan, he saw the second plane hit the World Trade Center.

Yup, that'll do it.

He moved back to Southern California to be closer to his family. Friends say he walked the talk.

"He didn't have enough days," they said. "But he lived them as he should have."

I thought about Freeman a lot yesterday.

How he woke up in the morning -- just like me -- probably thinking about what was ahead -- just like me -- maybe worrying about some problem at work -- just like me -- and's all over in a flash.

Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.


Blodwynn said...

Headline in the Star Today:
"$22M lottery winners not quitting work"

Now that he has nearly $1 million, Clarence Hummel is going to eat a lot of Kraft Dinner.
As he picked up his lottery cheque yesterday morning, Hummel told onlookers he couldn't wait to get home to Trout Creek, Ont., and celebrate with a hearty helping of the boxed macaroni product.

"My wife just bought two cases last week," he said, grinning.

I love being alive and I love being Canadian.

wendywalnut said...

ml, in that totally weird small world way, i think that clarence's son used to work at the trapper trading post. no joke. xow