Thursday, August 28, 2008

An ounce of Convention

I know it's geeky, but I just love a good political convention. The wild-eyed delegates. The pundits. The fabricated spin!

I nearly developed bed sores when the Liberals selected Stephane Dion to represent them here in Canada. This was around the same time everyone promptly forgot who the leader of the Liberal Party was in our country.

I'm sure Dion is a good man, but he's got all the charisma of a high school science teacher.

So I watched Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention last night.

He's so captivating and charismatic. Crazy smart. And an incredible orator.

It's such an incredible relief to feel like you're in the hands of someone who at least understands what the situation is.

Can't they just re-elect him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, they can't.