Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Two Hours I'll Never Get Back

I spent two mind-numbing hours watching The Bachelor last night. It was as though the battery on my channel changer had died, or I'd temporarily lost part of my frontal lobe.

This franchise would have us believe that dozens of gorgeous, seemingly successful and right-minded women would line up to compete for the affections of a good-looking single Dad.

Really, are times that tough?

I personally know half a dozen decent 30-something guys I could set them up with. Trouble is...no TV cameras to follow them around. Might be a deal-breaker.

Last night, in what can only be described as legalized prostitution, they either accepted or rejected his invitation for an overnight date in the "fantasy" suite at the hotel.

Yup, I'd want my Mom to watch me have pre-marital sex on network TV. Everyone at St. Rita's Church would be so proud.

In the season finale, The Bachelor introduces his son, who appears to be about five years old, to the girls.

This is exactly the way you want your kid to meet his new Mother. In the trailer, one of the girls tells him a cringe-worthy "knock knock" joke. She probably has a Boarding School brochure in her back pocket.

Someone should really call child services. It'll be the most dramatic rose ceremony ever!


Blodwynn said...

There's so many things wrong with this show I don't have the word count to cover it all.

I feel most sorry for the child. He loses out either way:
a) Forever he'll have a Loser Dad who would demean himself this way
b) the addition of loser Mom who would demean herself this way.

Dad should have just bought him a puppy.

Poor kid. In about 20 years, watch for the new reality show: " Childhood Rehab "

Ryan McNeil said...

I could make jokes about the fact that you spent so much time watching such drivel...but then I'm reminded of the multiple times I couldn't turn myself away from that lousy show "Moment of Truth".

Remember the one? They'd sit you in front of everyone you care about and get you to admit increasingly personal details for the lure of big bucks??

I just couldn't. look. away!

One day someone will have to explain to me why so many are so desperate to be on national TV that they'll check their values at the door.