Sunday, February 17, 2008

Two word: Freezing Rain

If I ever, EVER suggest that I might move, say, sometime in the next twenty five years, you have my permission to hit me in the head with a giant, rubber mallet.

I feel like a giant safe has fallen on my head.

Thankfully I had three of the nicest movers imaginable. I jacked them up on Tim Hortons coffee and a box of timbits, and they got the whole thing done in three hours. God bless Joe the Mover.

Happily, I'm staying with my BFF tonight.

I probably won't make it to the first commercial in Battlestar Gallactica before I'm snoring on the couch.

Thanks for all your positive vibes. Moving always sucks, but it could have been way worse.


Anonymous said...

They say the pain of moving is like childbirth -- you forget the pain immediately after the Big Event and start planning the next one.

wendywalnut said...

and feel good that at least you weren't moving between countries. i know you know how painful *that* is...