Monday, July 13, 2009

sTORI's from the Weekend

I spent the weekend at a cottage on Go Home Lake, in the Muskokas.

It wasn't even a cottage. It was a house. A big house.

A five bedroom, stained glass sporting, manse with a yoga room, a TV room, and a two storey stone fireplace. It had a separate sauna outbuilding and came complete with a couple of boats, a canoe and a kayak. Even the requisite cubby was a two story A-frame. Pretty incredible.

Anyway, apparently taste doesn't go along with all that wealth, because there was a veritable jostling for the latest find in my summer guilty pleasure reading series.

Tori Spelling's autobiography, sTORI Telling, caused near fisticuffs when I finally finished it and put it down.

It seems that no one wants to buy it, but everyone wants to read it. (So, in that way, I imagine myself performing a public service.)

Tori takes us on a rollicking romp through her poor-little-rich-girl life and I have to say -- i kind of like her. She's funny, self-deprecating and humble in an "I Love Lucy" kind of way....even if she did steal Mary Jo's husband.

There's tons of dirt about Shannon Doherty, her tempestuous relationship with her Mother, her loveless first marriage and her fast fall for Dean.

There's plenty of pictures, too, including one of her Nolan Miller designed Marie Antionette Halloween costume.

Told you: guilty pleasure!

Anyway, in case you're worried about me, I'm on to headier finds now.

I'm deep into the work of much-loved Buddhist teacher and practitioner, Sylvia Boorstein. This one's called, "Happiness is an inside job: Practicing for a Joyful Life." It's good...even if Sylvia, to my knowledge, has never been on 90210. I'm trying not to hold that against her.


Blodwynn said...

I heart your blogs.

wendy woo said...

same as barb.