Friday, March 27, 2009

That Scottish Play

No man or woman born can kill MacBeth, as the story goes.

But in one of the greatest plot twists in literature, we discover, along with MacBeth, the secret to the witches riddle: "Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped."

I hope I didn't give too much away for you there. I figure you've had a couple of hundred years to catch the original.

It's just that I'm thinking about MacBeth this morning, because one of my Slipper friends and I are planning a summer weekend in Stratford.

She's my remarkably organized friend, so everything will be bought, done and paid for months in advance. Someone should just give her the economy and she'll have it all sorted and settled before 3:30 this afternoon.

Anyway, as part of my undergraduate degree, I read nearly every one of the plays in Shakespeare's canon. It was a joyful romp. Even the Tragedies.

And, even though I went to uni a billion years ago, I can still do all of Marc Antony's speech from Julius Caesar. You can test me. It's a party trick.

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