Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Buy your own damn kleenex

I seem to be the only person in my department who buys their own damn kleenex. And, judging by the speed with which it declines, many of my team members seem to be suffering from serious sinus issues.

While generous by nature, I find this pretty irritating.

If you've ever been a smoker, you'll recognize the type. The cigarette borrower. This is the guy or girl who claims not to be a smoker when, in reality, they smoke about about half a pack a day....of your cigarettes.

I'm not going to say anything. Nothing at all. But as the next wave of cold and flu action hits, I have a special gift for everyone. Hot pepper flakes.


Hez said...

Doesn't your company provide boxes of kleenex for everyone?? It seems only right in the Canadian winter season.

wendywalnut said...

And the problem is, if you buy cheap scratchy kleenex as a deterrent, you end up suffering. Sniff, sniff.