Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Okay, who came up with the idea of multi-tasking anyway

This morning I was nearly run over by someone who was walking and reading a book.

How can that be possible? Or even desirable?

Reading seems to be something that happens in a sitting position or maybe even a standing position while holding on to a transit pole. But walking? How could that be any fun? And how much would you actually retain.

It reminds me of the guy I saw biking and texting this summer. Both activities individually have their merit. But together? It really seems to invite some kind of accident involving a double back handspring over a car hood.

It has me thinking about how we (yes, me too) don't ever seem to be satisfied with doing a single thing at one time. We need MORE things at one time to feel like we're actually accomplishing something.

Like eating and watching TV. Or talking to someone and checking my Blackberry at the same time. Or going for a stroll while listening to music through my headphones.

But the trouble is, when you do more things at one time, you actually don't give anything thing your full attention.

So if you're reading and walking, you might get where you're going, but you have no recollection of the journey.

The Zen masters said it best.

When you sit, sit. When you eat, eat.


Ryan McNeil said...

I recently discovered, while staying in a hotel that it's not enough for me to just take a shower anymore. I never would have known this before, but if given the choice, I quite enjoy watching TV while taking my shower.

How messed up is that?

(Side note: The shower inevitably gets delayed while I channel surf for five minutes or so, deciding precisely what I will watch while I shower. Again - how messed???)

Sridaran said...

Not just reading, here students used to prepare for exams by memorising from books while walking up and down . Look,three jobs at a time.