Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pet Peeves

The topic today is Pet Peeves.
Overcoming them, not basking in them.

So go ahead. Why don't you:

Eat with your mouth full.
Talk during the movie.
Smack your gum.
Tap you finger on the desk.
Move back and forth on the squeaky chair.
Not return my call.
Return my call at an inopportune time.
Squeeze that.
Pick at that.
Arrive late.
Clear your throat.
Not use a tissue.
Make more noise.
Eat off my plate.
Make me late.
Arrive while I'm still getting dressed.
Not invite me.
Cancel plans.

Because even if you stop doing these things, I'll just find other things to get irritated about.


©km said...

You know what they say about our peeves.. that they're really things we don't like about ourselves :)

They = Dr. Phil.

Ryan McNeil said...

One of the tops for me is a simple phrase...

"Can I ask you a question?"

Should I ask that of everyone I know??