Monday, May 4, 2009

Canadian CARE Package

What might Canadians living in Zambia be missing?

I can tell you, because it's filling an entire small suitcase, and likely spilling over into my personal stash, as well.

Here's a selected list of the things I'm taking with me next week.

1) A crepe pan
2) Maple syrup
3) Low-fat microwave popcorn
4) Marshmallows (to cancel the effect of the above)
5) Kraft Dinner
6) Tim Horton's coffee
7) Red licorice
8) A tray to make popsicles at home
9) A pair of boots

Since I'll be visiting schools while I'm there, I also found a ton of great stuff at Dollarama on my way home last night. This included the ABC chart, some addition and subtraction flash cards, and some certificates that say "Good Job!". This stuff is non-existent in rural African schools and I'm really excited to see the teacher's faces when they see the supplies.

I think I'm going to have a hard time concentrating at work today. In my mind, I'm already half way round the world.


©km said...

Since you're obviously going to have some extra room on the way back - and you're visiting schools and all - why not pull a Madonna and bring back a small African child?

I'm just saying.

Blodwynn said...

You're not coming back are you?

Can I have your condo?

Anonymous said...

Put me down for a small child. That will save me 9 months of nausea.

wendywalnut said...

my mom sends me peanut butter and butterscotch chips (for baking) and turtles. not like i have a sweet tooth or anything.