Monday, February 8, 2010

Favourite Thing #8 -- Sunshine

I came to a startling revelation at 4:45 p.m. yesterday. The days are getting longer.

Here I was chopping some vegetables for my roasted vegetable hoo-ha and the sun was still shining. Hello Vitamin D.

This morning I can barely see the computer screen because that big glowy orb is reflecting off my screen. I'd rather seer my retina than put down the blinds, so sun-deprived did January make me.

Happy days are here again.


JT said...

vegatable hoo-ha...sounds delicious!

wendywalnut said...

Lucky for you guys! The summer solstice is always bittersweet for me, because although it's the height of summer, the days will continue to get shorter.
But in Canada, longer days are earned much more quickly than here in NZ...