Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Lights

I have to admit to a gushing infatuation with my optometrist.

Aside from being ladylike in the Audrey Hepburn manner, she's tremendously intelligent, compassionate and caring. We often get into quite serious conversations about life, the universe and everything while she's staring down my coke bottle corneas.

Yesterday our talk turned to the weather. Okay, not serious, but the weather as it relates to mood.

You see, we've had a lot of rain and dark days around these parts recently. Several of my co-workers have admitted to feeling unusually depressed.

Seems that many optometrists, who spend their days in dark rooms, regularly suffer from seasonal affective disorder. It would be hard not to feel like a mushroom with your blinds drawn and the lights off for 8 hours a day.

That's when my optometrist pointed to her Happy Light. Twenty minutes with the right UV light can be an effective anti-depressant.


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